10th Primary school of Kalamata, GREECE

The 10th Primary School of Kalamata was established in 2014. It is a Primary School of six grades (for children from 6 to 12 years old).  For the current school year (2017 - 18) we have almost 300 children from Greece and the neighboring Balkan countries.
The School is staffed by 16 teachers of all grades, 5 foreign language teachers (English, French and German), an ICT teacher, 2 physical activities teachers, a music teacher, a drama teacher and an art teacher. Moreover, we have two teachers for children with special educational needs and 2 psychologists.

See logation on map

The 10th Primary School of Kalamata is widely regarded as a school that is providing a good quality of education for all its pupils through new innovative ways. Furthermore, school’s philosophy is to provide learning programmes that are challenging and appropriate to the present and future needs of our children – Skills for Success. So, we aim to provide quality learning experiences that are engaging, enriching and enjoyable through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. In addition to the core curriculum our pupils engage in a wide range of extra activities and programmes and they participate in a range of interesting learning activities and projects that are frequently linked to their own lives and the local community.

The School has 14 classes for Greek language lessons. Moreover, it has a class for children with special educational needs, a computer lab, a chemistry lab, a music class, an art class, a school library which contains a wide range of books for all children, a resource room for Parent Meetings/Courses, a school garden, which provides many learning opportunities for the children and a large event hall where all the celebration of the School take place. Finally, all the classes have internet connection.

The 10th Primary School of Kalamata, every school year participates in relevant school projects including social, environmental and cultural projects. All of the teachers of School are trying to address educational needs through movement and entertaining methods (edutainment). So, for the current school year our teachers and children participate in almost 15 projects. Moreover, this school year the school participates in eTwinning projects in which all the involved exchange experiences and enthusiasm.

Furthermore, all the teachers of the School believe that through movement our students would have the opportunity to “learn how to learn”, to feel more comfortable and more focused during the lesson. Already, we are trying to increase movement in almost every kind of lesson. For example, in music we are using body percussion, in history we are trying to use drama, in physics we are going out on the environment to do a lesson and of course in gymnastic we are trying new innovative skills like yoga – balls, squash, traditional dances, etc...

Last but not least, last year our school achieved a grant on a national competition which was promoting the movement on schools (http://www.nutritionactivityprogram.gr/). It was a project which comprised of outdoor learning activities and movement on Greek Primary Schools.

Our key people involved in this project are now applying for this Erasmus project. They are 2 Greek language teacher, 1 music teacher, 1 gymnast and 1 English language teacher.


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