Tupuri, Salo, FINLAND
Tupuri school is a primary school of six grades located in the suburb of Salo. The location is excellent because on the one hand, we are surrounded by nature, which provides interestinting learning environments, and on the other hand, there is the city centre nearby with its cultural attractions and sport facilities.
See logation on map
There are approximately 400 children aged 6-12 in our school. Among those, there are pupils that come from different nationalities. We have also a multicultural staff, and all of the employers are highly motivated to work in our school. The school facilities have been designed so that pupils with special needs have been taken under consideration.
Tupuri school has a 23 year history. The main objective of our school is to provide good quality basic education. We wish to support pupils' learning and growth in the best possible way. Our school aims to give the children the ability to talk and listen, with strong basic knowledge and skills, good physical health and ways to take care of their own well-being.
Our school along with the other schools in Salo, are involved in a programme called Finnish Schools on the Move. Tupuri school has taken part in the programme for three years. During the period of time we have made some arrangements and adjustments in our school, to increase pupils' physical activity. For instance, at least once a week the pupils have a longer break between lessons. In addition, the school's long corridors have been taken into active use for example by taping twister-platforms to the floor. As a result, one is likely to see children dancing, playing twister or ping pong around the corridors during breaks. We have had schoolmarathons. Also the nearby forests are in active use for wandering and playing, but also for orienteering and skiing in the winter. Learning is not restricted only within the classrooms. The central park in the city centre has great sport facilities, and trips there are made by bike. Tupuri school is represented in various sport tournaments both locally and regionally. Power Mover dance is organized every year, which is intended for the whole school to learn.
Here is a link to our schools own blog.
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